Succuess With David Fernandes

September 18, 2012

The changing face of solar energy

The changing face of solar energy

The changing face of solar energyAccording to Grist, there are numerous energy options available to consumers. In deregulated areas, households can select from a number of available options within the realm of solar energy alone.
The most traditional choice is the purchase of personal solar panels. In the past, federal tax incentives have eased the financial burden of a solar panel purchase. Going forward, however, many consumers are looking for other alternatives.
Solar panel leasing programs have become popular in many states, including California, New Jersey and Massachusetts. Consumers lease solar panels for a nominal monthly fee which, in combination with their energy usage fees, still totals less than traditional utility bills, according to Grist.
Community solar projects have also gained popularity, and can function in varying ways. A small utility company may own a solar project, allowing sustainable energy to function very similarly to traditional utility services.
Power purchase agreements have also gained popularity. Grist reported that the military is in the process of signing up for a power purchase agreement, which would provide 120,000 military residences with solar panels.
Companies and stores are also turning to solar power as an energy alternative.
"Companies seem to be adopting solar energy because of the financial gain that these energy systems represent," reportedHydrogen Fuel News.

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